Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer

I liked Eclipse a lot better than the other books in this series. The writing was much improved, although the plot was boring and inconsistent. As always, it is not as bad as it is portrayed. There are many twists that add to the intensity of the book and were absolutely unexpected. The one thing that really annoyed me throughout the book was the Bella/Edward relationship. There is love, and then there is obsession, and what Bella feels toward Edward is OBSESSION. It's SO irritating and absolutely unnecessary. Meyer could have written a beautiful love story without all the suicide crap. And all those paragraphs that are all "I love you more!" "No, I love you more!" ... I am so done with that. Please no more.


  1. So, I guess your rating of this book wouldn't necessarily be very high then? XD

    I stopped after the second book; my brain just couldn't handle that level of stupidity any longer.

  2. Haha exactly :) Twilight actually wasn't too bad, if you can get over all the stupidity. I really liked the writing (although I know I am the minority on that particular aspect). Originally, I liked the plot but going back to it now, I hate it. It's absolutely ridiculous. And New Moon was horrible. There's no other way to say it. There is nothing good to be said about that book. Eclipse was a huge improvement on the other two, although it still isn't much. I totally understand what you mean :P It's not worth it to read the others.
