The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Movies Wallpaper: The Hunger Games

Here's my review of the widely-read novel:

I love adventures and challenges and the Hunger Games just raise my spirit of adventure! I have to say I have learnt a whole lot from The Hunger Games. Bravery, sacrifice, alliance, and pretence for survival are all taught through Katniss Everdeen's excellent play in the Games. It's intriguing to see Katniss encounter one obstacle after another and finally overcome them, having faced the inevitability of death a few times but escaped fortunately. If you think of the existence and the so-called necessity of such an annual game to honour the history of war, it doesn't really make sense, at lease to me. Traditions should not be blindly followed, especially when they bring about any form of harm to the ones who practice them. In this case, the sacrifice of a tribute's life is the harm, which I believe is caused by a lack of critical thinking and questioning of the Hunger Games on the Gamemakers' part. On the other hand, of course, if it wasn't for the presence of such a brutal competition of survival, all the greatness of the heart-stopping story that we are able to savour would not have happened. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you finally read this, I felt a little bit like you did before I read it. I especially loved the narrative style, that was my favourite bit.

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