BC teenrc

There is a BC-wide teen reading club (which most of us already know) and they recently had a prize draw for a bunch of books, gift cards and loads of other prizes. Keep in mind this is a BC-wide draw. Sooo, guess what??? Someone from THIS BLOG in Richmond won the draw!! Out of all the bookworms in BC! Congratulations Summerstar!!! :D If anyone isn't already a part of the BC-wide teen reading club you can go join now! :) It's a lot of fun and they have prize draws as well. The site is: teenrc.ca


  1. Oh yeah! Where did they post the winners?

    1. They tweeted a few hours ago. They haven't announced the itouch winners yet, but the prize draw winner (Summerstar) is on twitter. You can follow them @Teen_RC . Last weeks draw was the first one but they said there is another one happening this Friday. I'm not sure if there will be any more. Are you on the site? What's your user?

    2. Oh by the way I saw you at the carnival :) But I didn't get a chance to talk to you! :(

    3. oh! That's where they posted it. You did? :) aww, maybe next time we both happen to be volunteering at a special event we can talk! :)
