The Daughters by Joanna Philbin

Review: Well there are four books to this series, but I'll just review it one at a time, because there all a little different, centering around a different main character. In this one its Lizzie Summers. Lizzie Summers is basically just an average girl, the only difference is, her mother is a gorgeous super-model. Well, I guess that's kind of a big difference. Lizzie has to deal with trying to figure out who she is, while at the same time trying to get out of her mom's shadow. Lizzie has two other friends with celebrity parents, that help her get through her "normal life." What I like most about this book is that there not stuck-up, yes they can be a little bratty at times, but they still shy away from there parents shadows. The author made it relatable in a way, even though a majority of the readers aren't the children of celebrities, you could still relate and understand the problems the girls went through. What I thought was really cool is that Joanna Philbin is a daughter herself, of the very own Regis Philbin. I thought that was extremely witty of her, so I'll give her kudos for that. The plot was a little cheesy, but you get the gist of it, and once you get really into the book it's not cheesy at all.

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