Fallen - Lauren Kate

Okayyy - Fallen. I know I always say this about books, but this was the best book I have ever read. In my life. Ever. Loved it. Mysterious, dazzling, brilliant, aloof, romantic, thrilling, engaging, sad...it was beautiful.
~Me (because all the other quotes I found were bashing the book)

Somehow, I don't know why, this book has gotten HORRIBLE reviews from a lot of people on many different websites. It was compared to Twilight, people saying it has the same plot and storyline just different characters. I could not disagree more.

The writing isn't anything special. Pretty basic, not different from any others, but it's not bad either.

So here's the plot: Luce (protagonist) falls in love with the aloof bad boy Daniel who attends her boarding school in Georgia. She soon realizes that he is hiding a huge secret, and she resolves to find out what it is, no matter what it costs her. So it turns out Daniel is a fallen angel. And the story goes from there. It is pretty typical, pretty much the same story as Hush Hush, but it was well written and interesting. I read both books that came out after Fallen and they were equally as interesting.

So contrary to public opinion, I would recommend reading Fallen and making your own opinion as to whether you think it's just following the lead of Twilight and Hush Hush or a good story :) I think it's both. I do not, however, agree with people who say it is a disgusting, horrible, boring story - it's not. I would appreciate feedback from other people on this site. If you have read this book, what did you think of it? Just curious :)


  1. This book seems good, though I have never read it.. what would you say the genre of the book is ..? (not considering paranormal a genre)

    1. Well it's definetely paranormal. But if you don't consider it as a genre... I would say romance.

    2. That's good! I love romantic books :$

    3. Same, but I'm more of a fantasy chick :P

  2. I have never read novel before, but taking you review into consideration, I would not believe that this Fallen is a repeat of Twilight. This novel seems to be pretty fascinating so far, I hope to read it soon!

  3. I know you wrote that the style of writing in this novel is pretty basic, but I was wondering what you would rate the level of difficulty of this novel, Fallen, 1 being simple & 5 being complex.

    1. Well it's a bit in the middle. I would say a 4/5. Not too easy but not complex either.

  4. your review inspired me to read it and i totally loved it))

    1. Haha thats fantastic :) I love how this blog gives you recommendations on what to read, and what to stay away from. Happy I could help!
