Book websites

I don't know about anyone else, but I like to keep track of my books. It's really helpful with the sites below:

Goodreads: If you are already on Goodreads, friend me :) I'm: Ashini. So this is a website where you can keep three well-organized "lists": books you've read, books you're currently reading, and books you want to read (wishlist). I find this extraordinarily helpful when I'm in the mood to read a good book, but I can't remember which ones I had my eye on, or I want to go back and write a review on a book I've already read. In addition, you can rate the books you've read (on a scale of 1-5) and write reviews on the books you like or dislike. You can also "like" and comment on other peoples reviews. You will get personalized book recommendations based on your "read" and "to-read" book lists, and you can can also get recommendations from other Goodreads users. Everyone has their own profile, and you can control what information you choose to share with others. It's extremely organized and helpful and I would highly recommend getting an account. And, yes, it's free! :P Oh, I forgot to mention, they have book "lists" as well, depending on what genre you like. For example, if you are looking for the top 100 YA books of the year, search it up and you will get a list from goodreads on that topic. If you want the top 50 paranormal books, search it up. Same thing with any genre: romance, sci-fi, erotic, anything!

Teenreads: I haven't been on this site for very long, so I can't give as stellar a review to this one, but I do enjoy it and think it's a good site to check out once in a while. This site isn't really a site to help you keep organized, but more to give you recommendations as to what to read and what is popular at the moment. So yeah I would give it a try, it might be helpful to you! They also have weekly contests, book reviews, and a blog.


  1. haha so organized ! Amazing way to keep track :)

    1. I know right? I love it!

    2. Which website would you consider to be better? Teenreads or goodreads?

    3. Goodreads for sure. Teenreads has contests and a lot of "lists" but Goodreads really helps you keep organized and interact with other bookworms.

  2. Great websites! How did you find them all?

    1. Well, a lot of the time I google books to see other peoples reviews and ratings, and these sites usually are the first ones to pop up time and time again. So I decided to make an account on them, and I found out how amazing they are for everything!

    2. Wow! That is a really great method! Maybe I should try that someday. :)

    3. Haha yes you should :)

  3. I actually use goodreads quite a bit. It's crazy helpful, and generally, I find that the reviews are rather accurate. :D

    1. Yeah, it has pretty much recommended to me every single book I've read in the past 2 years. I don't like to just go to the library and pick stuff off the shelf. I'm a planner ;) The reviews are very accurate, but the ratings sometimes aren't. Da Vinci code got a 4ish/5, but all the reviewers hated it. There are many books like that. No sure whats going on with that :/

  4. What do you think about teenreads contests?

    1. I really like them. The weekly ones are good and easy because it's just one review, and there are many where you just have to enter your information. But chances of winning are really low- I've been on for 3 years now and haven't won anything. Haha :)
