Reviewing Novels - Hardcovers.

I was doing a post exam hurricane cleanup, and I decided to write review on all the books I own.  Here goes nothing.

From Top to Bottom:
The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling - I'm not sure if I ever even finished this book, I vaguely remember the story about the orphan boy raised by wolves, or perhaps that's me thinking back to the movie, so I suppose I can't really make a comment about this book, but it's here nonetheless.

Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling - The Deathly Hallows was amazing, the beginning was a little slow for my taste, but it rapidly escalated to the final battle that concluded the end of a generation.  It was beautiful, and there aren't enough words in the world that could describe the beauty of this series, if you haven't read it, read it, your life will be seriously deprived until you complete this series. Rowling's website if you're interested.
(followed by The Half Blood Prince)

Fallen by Lauren Kate - About a girl (Luce) who has been reborn into the world countless times only to fall in love with the same fallen angel and subsequently die after their affections are realized.  This series was a decent read, there was some high school drama, but most of it centered on the fallen angel and how they worked around her destruction.  The first novel in the series is set in a boarding school for "bad children".  Though the main character are a bit lack luster, the side characters are in comparison extremely entertaining.

Silence by Becca Fitzgerald - The third novel in the series, about a girl who falls in love with a fallen angel, who at first uses her to get his wings back and resume his angel status, they end up caught up in a fight between the nephilim (half angel, half humans) and the fallen angels.  The novel mostly revolves around the intense all consuming love of Nora the protagonist, and Patch the fallen angel, so if you're not into the touchy feel-y love so passionate it consumes you, this isn't for you.

Radiant Shadows and Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr - After Harry Potter, this is my favorite series, about the fairy courts, this series revolves around the kings and queens, Aislinn and Keenan the Summer regents, Donia the winter queen, Irial and Niall Dark court Kings, and the odd human, Seth.  It's so beautifully wrought, no fanciful courtship, mostly just fairy tricks.  I would give this novel a total 10 out of 10, the Dark court regents are my personal favorites.

Misguided Angel, and Van Alen Legacy by Melissa De La Cruz - Diverging from common novels about vampires, this series originates vampires as fallen angels.  It follows the children of societies elite vampires as they fight against silver bloods - Vampires who hunt other vampires - and their leader the king of hell himself, Lucifer.  I would give this novel a solid 9/10, it was a bit cliche with the high school drama, the queen bee vampire doesn't like other children playing with her toys deal.

Fever by Lauren DeStefano - The Chemical Garden series is about a future earth where a cure for cancer goes wrong, and ends up creating a world where humans only live to 25 for males, and 20 for females.  It's a haunting story about a girl who is caught and subsequently married off to man she's never met to produce heirs and how despite the nearing of her death, she continues to fight for her freedom.  It's an interesting story about freedom, the shortness of life and the things that are the most important.  It's different, and for that I give it a 9.5/10, because this novel, like so many others has a girl who can't choose between two men.

Clockwork Prince and Clock Work Angel by Cassandra Clare - OMG ASUIFHAOIG, I love this series, from Will's snarky comments, to Hodge's social inadequacy, to the dying Jem Carstairs, and Will's demon song in Clockwork prince, this series is a must read, especially if you've read the mortal instruments.  You fall in love with the Jem/Will Bromance, it's amazing, 10/10.

The Athena Project by Brad Thor - I bought this on a whim not sure if it'd be good or not, just knowing that the cover was really pretty.  It's about a band of girls who are the cream of the crop of military personnel as they go on a mission that takes them to a horror no one expects.  It's really cool, I didn't understand much of the terms they used, but you don't need to in order to understand the beauty and strength of these four powerful women.  I sped through this book, ate it for breakfast.  It was brilliant.

What do you want to do before you die by The Buried Life - A coffee table picture book, where amazing artists draw, collage, paint, and capture the dreams of real people.  People who've made a change in the world such as Craig Kielburger, and the guy who started "To Write Love On Her Arms" as well as the cast of the Buried Life share their life changing stories.  It was really cool to look through, and I was amazed at all the different dreams, made me want to do something brilliant and amazing.

Harry Potter Page to Screen by Bob McCabe - How they turned the novels into the movies, not for muggles.  Die Hard fans perhaps, although I doubt the library carries one, and last time I checked you had to fork over $80.  The pictures and the journey though, those are priceless.  Unless you really want one, it was more documentary/interview/biography, then really intensely interesting, I suggest you save your $80, and spend it on something a trip to florida so you can get your own personal wand from Olivanders.

WOO! I did it, one sitting, now onto the paper backs :(

1 comment:

  1. So many awesome lists coming out. :D
    I love that you included a picture along with the reviews. :D
    Based off of the reviews, "What Do You Want To Do Before You Die" (I love art >:D) and "The Athena Project" (strong female protagonists = epitome of awesome) are the ones I feel like I'd enjoy the most.
    Although, who doesn't love Harry Potter. ;)
