The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

 Oh jeez where do I start with this book? Well, if you must know, basically when you're done reading this book you'll probably be depressed for a couple days. Alright lets actually get started. 

This book is about a 16 year old girl named Hazel Lancaster, who is diagnosed with Stage 4 Thyroid Cancer when she was thirteen. She is able to live longer because of a experimental drug called Phalanxifor, which isn't real by the way. She narrates the story in a  quirky pessimism yet non-cliche way, which is very forgiving for a book that deals with cancer patients. Her parents force her to attend a cancer support group regularly which she obviously isn't impressed with, but when one of her friends in the support group brings along his friend, Augustus 'Gus' Waters in he immediately notices her and strikes up a friendship with her. They bond over reading Hazel's all time favorite book, An Imperial Affliction. Throughout the book, they fall in love with each and face difficult challenges involving their cancer situations and themselves. 

I DEFINITELY recommend this book to basically anyone, even a dog. 


1 comment:

  1. I heard Jon Cozart (a you tuber) was reading this book. I wasn't sure if it was good or not but when I found your review I've decided to read it! Thanks :)
