The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

This novel is a squeal to the series “Percy Jackson and the Olympian.” Jason wakes up on a bus, but he doesn’t remember anything of his past, although everyone else knows who he is. His coach already knows ahead of time that there are two demigods on the bus with him.  Storm sprits attack him, Annabeth and a demigod save them and bring them to Camp Half Blood, where they are safe. Percy Jackson is missing, so Chiron thinks the appearance of Jason has something to do with it.  Jason suddenly gets a vision from Hera to save her, slowly Jason retrieves his memories back, and they go on a quest to find Percy.
        I would rate this 9/10 because the plot was great! Everything went well with each other.


  1. I didn't like the Lost Hero at all! Don't you think that it's just the same plot/storyline from the Lightning Thief just reincarnated through a different book? I found it really boring.

  2. I thought it was a very good book. I really like the characters and their personalities and powers, especially Piper and Leo. Have you read the next book in the series, The Son of Neptune, 'cause i think you should. it was a great book, and i still can hardly wait for the one after that to come out!!
