By John Steinbeck
This book is about two men named Lennie and George. They are different in many ways. Lennie is a huge hulking man who thinks and acts like an 8 year old child. On the other hand, George is a small dark man with a matured mind. Lennie loves how rabbits and mice are fuzzy but he can't control it. He always ends up killing the poor animals he tried to love and care for. Things get serious when Lennie gets mad at a woman. He shook her to death trying to tell her something. George finds out and decides that Lennie can't continue on killing things around him. This book taught me that some things can't be helped, even when it's about your best friend. I wonder what George must have felt as he told Lennie that he would get all the rabbits he wanted right before he killed him.
I found this novellet very sad since George has always taken care of Lennie and has always looked after him like an older brother, ironically though because Lennie is the one who is bigger in size. In the end though, although sad, i think that George did the right thing because Lennie would've been killed by the workers at the ranch, taken in to trial or killed by George and George would've been the only one to kill him out of the goodness of his heart, so that Lennie wouldnt have to face the consequences of having a mental disability and thus acting like a child.