Blue Moon - Alyson Noel

I enjoyed Blue Moon. It’s a big improvement on the first (satisfactory) novel in the Immortals series: Evermore. Although Evermore wasn’t quite up to my expectations, it did leave me with many unanswered questions. So of course, I got the sequel immediately and began reading. Blue Moon answered all my questions, and raised new ones which I am dying to uncover the answers to.  Blue Moon captivated me from the first page, and I just had to go on reading. If there’s one thing Alyson Noel is good at, it is cliff-hangers. The suspense in these novels is insane!

The plot is a little weird. Queer. Eccentric. I didn’t like the whole crystal ball thing there was throughout the whole book. I’m really not that much of a philosophical person, so when I read things like that, I end up snorting to myself. I find it cheesy. And trust me, there was A LOT of that in the book. The end continued with this odd mood created throughout the book. I mean, *SPOILER* no exchanging fluids? What the hell? Honestly? Alyson, please honey, make it a bit more romantic. Couldn’t you have done something like they can’t touch or they can’t look each other in the eyes?? That would have been fine, fluids? That makes me imagine Ever and Damen peeing on each other. Ewww!

Besides that I really liked it! The writing tugged at my heart strings. Everyone (including Damen) turns against Ever and I just feel like giving her a hug and telling her it’s all going to be okay. There was plenty of suspense and just the right amount of teen angst. A great read!

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