A Handful of TIme by Kit Pearson

"When Patricia's mother sends her to her cousins' cottage for the summer, Patricia doesn't want to go. She doesn't know her cousins at all, and she's never been good at camping or canoeing, let alone making new friends. When she arrives at the cottage, her worst fears come true: her cousin Kelly teases her; Aunt Ginnie and Uncle Doug feel sorry for her. She doesn't fit in. Then Patricia discovers an old watch hidden under a floorboard. When she winds it, she finds herself taken back in time to the summer when her own mother was twelve."

If I were to see this book on the shelf, I would probably not check it out. Although because I had to do this book as a novel study, I am more than glad I read it! It was in grade 5 and I found this book understandable and interesting. It taught me new vocabulary and I sure learned a lot from this. Some people may even relate to Patricia's life and how she was treated. Rating: 9/10 !  


  1. Oh this is a good one. It's a real classic. I had to read this for school as well! But I was grade 6.

  2. OHh this was written with good vocabulary and I wanted to read more of Kit Pearson's books.
