Don't Judge A Book By The Cover by Tiffany Alvord

Okayy, so I think the meaning of this song is about love and how you shouldn't judge a person by who you THINK they are or how they look. Although, the fact that you shouldn't judge a book by the cover is totally agreed..just wanted to share it. :)
Just wait til it gets to the chorus and listen to the lyrics!
To skip to chorus: 0:58


  1. Thanks for posting this? How did you come across this song?

    1. Tiffany Alvord is a really popular singer/songwriter on youtube so I'm guessing she's a fan and found this video while checking Tiffany's channel. If you haven't heard of her, she's making better videos now, u should definitely check her out!!!...(wow that was an awkward sentence ._.)

    2. Thanks for sharing btw :D I <3 TA... but Megan Nicole FTW! >:D

    3. Hahah Thanks! I heard of her before, but I don't really watch her videos.

  2. LOL yeahh what angelaf said! Tiffany Alvord is really good, but oh my gosh. YES Megan Nicole FTW! :) Do you listen to megan and liz? They're really good singers on Youtube and they're twins..except they don't look a like to me. XD

    1. Yep I like Meg and Liz too. Have you heard Jayesslee? They're twins too and they sing very well...but there are A LOT of good singers on youtube...I love the Piano Guys the most, even tho they don't sing :)

  3. @AngelaF: Haha nooo , but I should check them out. I bet you watch a lot of those covers on Youtube because I do too :P Julia Sheer has a good voice too.. ahhh too many famous people! Do you have a channel and sing too?

  4. I lovee this!! <3 Oh my gosh youtube singers are amazing. Megan nicole is the best of course, but do you watch Christina Grimmie?? She's amazing! And I love Tiffany Alvord as well :)

  5. Yeahh Christina Grimmie has like the most powerful voice! Except her videos aren't really covers anymore and it takes her a while to upload now. :(

    1. That's true; that's why I stopped watching her as much. :((
