Girl of Nightmares, Kendare Blake - NOT MY REVIEW

Last time I attempted this, my computer crashed. Clearly it does not like that I'm too lazy to write my own review. Yes, this is not my review. I know, I know, shame on me, but I don't think I could capture the book's pure, unadulterated awesomeness more eloquently than Miss. Kat Kennedy. Hats off to you.

It begins...

The fol­low­ing book has been found in an aban­doned, run-down house along with a body, a pen, and a worn and tat­tered copy of Girl of Night­mares.  The walls have many words and phrases writ­ten in blood. It’s con­tents pro­vide the only clues to the events that led to the the death of a per­son and an increas­ing string of dis­tur­bances in the area.
It reads as such:
This is a jour­nal of my read­ing expe­di­tion.  I have trav­eled to this remote locale so that I may read Girl of Night­mares by Kendare Blake in soli­tude.  Rumour has it that this book is cursed and that whoso­ever reads it is doomed to have their wits scram­bled and to be left insen­si­ble.  Nev­er­the­less I bravely pro­ceed and scoff in the face of super­sti­tion.  My inten­tion is that oth­ers may ben­e­fit from the expe­ri­ences chron­i­cled within my jour­nal and use it as a ref­er­ence guide in their own read­ing expe­ri­ences of Blake’s sec­ond dip into the Anna Dressed in Blood Universe.
Page 1
I have been intrigued and sad­dened by the begin­ning.  Dear­est Anna, it seems, will likely not be a major char­ac­ter in this book, alas.  But the writ­ing remains of qual­ity and it seems there are to be some ghost.
Page 48
There have been some instances of excit­ing ghost hap­pen­ings, but also a great deal of plot set up and rela­tion­ship dynam­ics.  I rather won­der what the hype is but shall per­se­vere for now.
Page 150
It has been a dif­fi­cult slog.  There has been aver­age lev­els of awe­some recorded and long stretches between badassery.  I have grown weary of the angst and seek to end the exper­i­ment.  Per­se­ver­ance forces me onward and the ever­last­ing hope that I shall one day be reunited with Anna. Her lack of pres­ence in this novel has made it cum­ber­some and Cas’ angst, and the secrecy sur­round­ing him is weari­some.  I am start­ing to doubt the curse.  Worse yet, I am start­ing to doubt Blake.  How far I have fallen?  Tonight I shall weep tears of dis­ap­point­ment as I sleep with the lights on.
Page 235
Hark? Is this the same novel?  Surely some great charm has bewitched me.  My instru­ments do not lie, yet surely there has been a mis­take.  When I doc­u­mented the lev­els of awe­some, I was forced to nota­rize in my ledger that it was over 9000 and was unable to take fur­ther mea­sure­ments for I had inci­den­tally crushed my scouter in response.  “What? 9000?” I said in shock and awe.  “There’s no way that can be right!”
I am not sure what hap­pened next for I blacked out and was awoken the next day by hazy mem­o­ries.  There are now strange mark­ings on the wall but I know not what they mean.  I fear I have put them there.  Am I becom­ing a mon­ster?  Can this curse be true and is it tam­per­ing with my senses?
Page 291
I under­stand now.  I was fool­ish and igno­rant before, but I have been shown the way.  There is no human expla­na­tion.  Yet I real­ize now that life has no mean­ing, but for this book.  It is my only love.  My pur­pose.  It is the rea­son I have been born.  There is no curse.  Those who have not read it have been cursed.  It is all so clear to me now.  I have writ­ten a song for Blake that brings tears to my eyes as I sing it con­tin­u­ously through­out the night. It has become my only com­pan­ion through out my enlight­en­ment.  I have writ­ten it down so that this knowl­edge may be passed on through the ages.
Blake Blake Blake Blake, Blake.
Blake­Blake, Blake Blake Blake Blake Blake,
Blake Blake Blake, Blake­Blake.
BlakeBlakeBlake…Blake Blake Blake.
I hope that I am one day able to sing this song to her in per­son and that SHE WILL BE PLEASED WITH ME!
Page 332
Snar­gle half-blabber!
My thoughts exactly. 

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