Twilight! I am trying my absolute best not to be biased right now, and just give a straight up review of what I think of the book (not the movie) Twilight. I first read Twilight three years ago, a few months after the movie came out and blew everyones minds. I had high expectations, because others had told me the movie was amazing (I hadn't yet watched it). Honestly, I think it's a good book. It is the book that started paranormal fiction. Before Twilight, there were very few books out about vampires, werewolves and all that. Since then, I have gotten sucked into the paranormal craze and am currently in love with anything paranormal :)
One thing I can say for sure, and I have always said is that the writing is very very good. Stephenie Meyer is a talented woman, and man she can write. It's interesting but also detailed, it's deep but also fun and it's very beautiful at times. I adore the style of writing in Twilight and all Meyer's other books as well. The plot is also quite interesting. AT THE TIME, this was a fairly new genre and AT THE TIME this type of storyline was very unique! When reading Twilight I was thinking, wow! This is incredible. The writing is amazing, the plot is interesting, it really lived up to my expectations.
And then I went and saw the movie... Oh lord. It was horrible. It ruined the whole series for me. I haven't bothered going to see New Moon, Eclipse or Breaking Dawn because I just don't want the other books ruined for me either. The actors were bad; they didn't portray the emotion in the book AT ALL. And even the fight scenes were fake and didn't follow the excitement of the books at all. Agree? Yes, no? And what did you guys think of the Twilight book?
Oh God, the book that started paranormal fiction, oh god, what about Harry Potter, it had a generation, why is it being neglected why...
ReplyDeleteHaha I'm not neglecting Harry Potter! But it was special. It had a different tone than all the paranormal fiction books that are popular now. Think about Hush Hush, Fallen, Mortal Instruments. They are all more about Vampires and Werewolves and they have so much romance. They aren't like Harry Potter at all! Im not saying they are better than Harry Potter (because they're not) but Twilight is the book that started that type of paranormal fiction, not Harry Potter. Harry Potter is the best series ever written, and nothing will ever compare to it, but the paranormal fiction genre wasn't started by Harry Potter. It became popular after Twilight. Maybe Stephenie Meyer took J.K. Rowling's ideas and twisted them to create the genre, I don't know, but Twilight should get some credit for it!
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ReplyDeleteI'm kind of on the fence about Twilight. ):
ReplyDeleteI read the first two books and thought they were ok, but not overly brillant. I remember I wasn't a fan of the writing much (sorry D:). My friend, that read the series until the end, showed me this line from Breaking Dawn awhile back: "Lingerie. Very lingerie-ish lingerie, with French tags." <---- not exactly impressive.
Though, I DEFINITELY agree with you in the fact that Twilight created a whole new sort of paranormal fiction. The more romance-y aspect that exists today in several books seem to have teens more interested in reading fantasy. There are those that may love or hate these types of 'new teen fantasy' books, however, it's evident that Twilight created this phenomenon.
All in all, I'm not a hater or a lover, I feel kind of neutral on the whole situation. Maybe 6.5/10?
Haha yeahh that line doesn't do much for Meyer's writing. There are lines like that in all four of the books, but they are meant to be funny. However, the majority of the book is fantasticly written. Try reading the last two books, and see what you think. I would give it a bit of a higher rating.. something like 8.5/10.
DeleteI guess that would make more sense. XD
DeleteI just remember that quote specifically since a friend only showed me that part, but I guess if you put it in context, it could be funny.
Maybe I'll start the next book or re-read one soon, since I read them a long time ago. Just to clarify my memory. :D
Haha yes definetely :) I don't really get why everyone hates on the series so much!
DeleteBTW, I agree that the movies were WAY worse than the books (or the two I read at least).
ReplyDeleteOh god. The movies are horrible. I feel that the movies deserve all of the criticism they have gotten. I understand why people who have only watched the movies hate the series..
DeleteI heard the only half decent one was Breaking Dawn Part 1 (new director). Maybe ignore all the other ones and try that one out?
DeleteI never read the last two books though, so I don't know how it compares. :)
I watched Breaking Dawn Part 1, and it's alright. Yes, it IS better than the other movies, but didn't really impress me. I'd expect something better for the series. You should try that. Maybe I'd have a different opinion if I only watched the last movie.