The Serpent's Shadow - Rick Riordan

The Serpent's Shadow is the last book in the Kane Chronicle trilogy. The series talks of Sadie and Carter Kane, Egyptian magicians and how they're learning to control their powers while restoring Ma'at (order) to the world. And then there's that issue of Apophis, a Chaos snake intent on eating the sun, and destroying the world. In this book, Apophis has risen and doomsday's is in 3 days. As if that's not enough, Sadie and Carter also have to deal with rebel magicians who are determined to kill the Kanes and imprison all their friends. There's one way to destroy the snake, but it's risky, so risky it could kill them.

This book is amazing. It's filled with adventure, magic, and a little bit of romance. I would recommend this book to anyone that was a fan of The Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, or a mythology freak in general.

(I probrably have tons of spelling mistakes in here. Sorry.)


  1. Nice review! I read the first book in the Kane Chronicles and I found out the next book was coming out in like a year so I gave up on it.. Your review has rekindled my interest! Maybe I'll go re-read that series now :) Don't worry- I didn't see any spelling mistakes!

  2. This was an awesome book!
    Is it the last one of the series?

    1. It is the last book :/
      But I hear he's going to start a Norse series soon :)

  3. Rick Riordan is an admirable author! Did you read the Percy Jackson and the Olympian series?
