Looking For Alaska - Before.

In the novel Looking For Alaska by John Green, the novel is split into two parts, before Alaska, the protagonist's love interest, and after Alaska.  Upon concluding the before, I've determined two things one, Alaska is one crazy, moody, and spontaneous girl, and two. John Green is the writer that trumps all other writers.
Looking for Alaska is about a scrawny teenage boy who transfers to a boarding school where upon he meets the ever beautiful, ever spontaneous Alaska Young.  Alaska, and Miles (Pudge) Halter and their friends spend the school year living normal teenage lives, with the exception of the pranks.  They are so out of hand and genius it's impossible not to catch the adrenaline the characters carry with them in the book as they carry out their individual tasks

1 comment:

  1. nice review ! First review I read from you I think :)
